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Sources for #WomanUp, action plan on female leadership

woman up - Sources

WoW drew on multiple academic and other authoritative sources when it was researching #WomanUp, an action plan on female leadership.  The main sources were:

•    EY (2016) ‘Navigating disruption without gender diversity? Think again’.
•    European Institute for Gender Equality, based on 2015 data from all EU states
•    McKinsey, (2012) ‘Making the Breakthrough’. Women Matter 2012.
•    McKinsey, (2016) ‘Reinventing the workplace to unlock the potential of gender diversity’. 

      Women Matter 2016
•    McKinsey, (2017) ‘Women Matter: Ten years of insights on gender diversity’.
•    Sandberg, S. (2013) Lean in: Women, Work, and The Will to Lead. New York: Alfred A.

•    30% Club (2015) ‘Men and women working together for real change’.
•    McKinsey, (2016) ‘Women in the Workplace 2016’.
•    30% Club (2016), ‘Women in Management- the Leadership Pipeline’.
•    Catalyst (2014) ‘High Potential Women in Europe Underutilised Talent’.
•    Catalyst (2015), ‘The Promise of Future Leadership: A Research Program on Highly Talented

      Employees in the Pipeline’.     
•    Bohne, Iris. (2016) ‘What Works: Gender Equality by Design’. Harvard University Press.
•    International Labour Organization (2015), ‘Women in Business and Management Gaining

•    Women’s Business Council, Department for Culture, Media & Sport, United Kingdom, (2013)

      ‘Maximising Women’s Contribution to Future Economic Growth’.
•    Peterson Institute quoted in Ernst and Young (2016) Navigating disruption without gender

      diversity? Think again
•    McKinsey, (2013) ‘Gender Diversity in top management: Moving corporate culture, moving

      boundaries’. Women Matter 2013.
•    HM Treasury, Virgin Money, (2016) Empowering Productivity. Harnessing the Talents of

      Women in Financial Services.                                                           
•    IBEC. (2002) Women in Management in Irish Business. Dublin: Irish Business and Employers

•    30% Club (2015) ‘Men and women working together for real change’.
•    Kay, Katty., Shipman, Claire., (2014) ‘The Confidence Code’.
•    Schein, V. (2001) ‘A global look at psychological barriers to women’s progress in

      management’. Journal of Social Issues. Vol 57 (4) pp 675—688.
•    Hoobler, J., Lemmon, G., Wayne, S. (2011) ‘Women’s Managerial Aspirations: An

      Organisational Development Perspective’. Journal of Management, Vol 40, No 3, March 2014

      pp 703-730
•    Catalyst, (2007) ‘The Double-Bind Dilemma for Women in Leadership: Dammed if You Do,

      doomed if You Don’t’.
•    Browne, P., et al (2015) ‘The Fear Free Organisation’.
•    Lipman, V., (2015) The Type B Manager: Leading Successfully in a Type A World.
•    30% Club, (2017) ‘Just About Managing men and women through the executive pipeline’.
•    Bock, L., (2015) Work Rules: Insights from Inside Google That Will Transform How You Live

      and Lead
•    Ibarra, H., Ely, R. & Kolb, D. (2013). Women rising: the unseen barriers’.
•    Catalyst (2010), Mentoring: Necessary But Insufficient For Advancement
•    Johnson, S., 2017 What 11 CEOs Have Learned About Championing Diversity (HBR)
•    Department of Justice and Equality (2017) National Strategy for Women and Girls 2017-2020
•    Hewlett, S. A. (2013) ‘Mentors Are Good. Sponsors Are Better’.
•    Foust-Cummings, H., Dinolfo, S., & Kohler, J. (2011). ‘Sponsoring Women to Success’.
•    Fisher, A. (2012) ‘Got a mentor? Good. Now find a sponsor’.
•    World Economic Forum (2017) Why do you think of nurses as women and firefighters as men?
•    Ibarra, H., Ely, J., Kolb, D., (2013) Educate Everyone About Second-Generation Gender Bias.
•    Rockefeller Foundation/Global Strategy Group (2017) Women in Leadership: Tackling

      corporate culture from the top
•    Abouzahar, K., Krentz, M., Brooks Taplett, F., Tracey, C., Tsusaka, M., (2017) Dispelling the

      Myths of the Gender Ambition Gap.
•    Dr. de Vries, J., (2011) Mentoring for Change
•    Egon Zehnder (2016) Ambitions and Challenges: Highlights from Egon Zehnder’s Global

      Women’s Survey
•    30% Club (2012) The Needle Starts to Shift
•    Grant Thornton (2017) Women in business
•    Brassil, M. (2014) ‘Cracks are emerging in the corporate glass ceiling’. The Irish Times. 2nd

      June 2014.
•    Centre for Talent Innovation (2013) ‘The Power of the Purse’.
•    Caprino, K. (2015) ‘6 Proven Strategies That Move The Needle On Gender Equality In

      Corporate America’. Forbes Magazine, 17th March 2015.
•    Correll, S., (2013) ‘Minimizing the Motherhood Penalty: What works, what doesn’t and why?’

      Gender and Work: Challenging Conventional Wisdom, Harvard Business School.
•    Dyrchs, S., Strack, R. (2012) ‘Shattering the Glass Ceiling: An analytical approach to

      advancing women into leadership roles’. Boston Consulting Group
•    Ely, R., Ibarra, H., Kolb, D. (2011) ‘Taking Gender into Account: Theory and Design for

      Women’s Leadership Development Programs’.
•    Ernst and Young (2013) ‘Women: The Next Emerging Market. Supporting women to fufill their

•    Gino, F. (2014) ‘Ending Gender Discrimination Requires More Than A Training Program’.

      Harvard Business Review, 10th October 2014.

Read more about #WomanUp and download the action plan

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